Three times a year I leave the rainy, lightpolluted Netherlands to observe under dark skies in France. This summer (2010) I even went to Spain, to visit RETA, a starparty in Aras de los Olmos. Before leaving for an observing period, I used to print many finder charts, put them in plastic folders and ring binders. And besides that I had to take observing guides to the observing site. But all that belongs to the past from now on. I bought an e-book reader with more then enough capacity to contain all charts and guides I need at the eyepiece (I did *not* copy the books shown in the photograph above). In the photograph above you can see what I mean: to the left the ring binders and books (sometimes I take even more), to the left the e-book reader (Entourage Edge). Actually, this is more then an e-book reader. The left screen is an e-book reader, the right one is a 'tablet' I use mostly for email and internet.
The e-book reader part of the 'Edge' has no illumination and the other screen can be shut down, making it possible to read the charts, etc., with a faint red light, just like I used to when using printed charts. It's even better than printed charts, because of the zoom function of the reader.